Team Building Activity for Student Medical Team and Intramurals First Aid Station

Team Building Activity for Student Medical Team and Intramurals First Aid Station

First aid is an immediate care given to a person who has been injured or suddenly taken ill. First aid must alleviate suffering, prevent further injury or danger, and prolong life. To be a good first aider he/she must have those characteristics which includes being gentle, resourceful, observant, tactful, emphathetic, and respectful.

Selected students from Grade 10,specifically those who are CAT officers, Representatives from the College Department, and  volunteer students from Grade 9 who really want to be a part of the Student Medical Team undergo lectures and return demonstrations as First Aiders for the coming Intramurals on September 16-18, 2015. Some of them are aspiring Doctors, Nurses, and other Medical Professionals someday.

Being a part the student medical team, they should move as one team to render effective first aid care, so before the Intramurals, we have a simple team building activity to strengthen the team. Lectures and return demonstrations were done during their free time in the afternoon.

Team Building Activity (September 11, 2015)

In our Team Building Activity, we only select 3 fun, exciting, and useful kind of games that will help them build their determination, cooperation, and unity to give help/care for their patients which includes their friends, classmates, and schoolmates.


The first game, “Find the egg”. The team will look for the eggs with a sad face and a note of injury. One will act as the injured egg and others will be the first aider.


The second game is “Water transport” game. As a team they will transfer a glass full of water into the next area trying not to spill the water. The water is considered as their patient or the injured one.


The third game is “Pass the Tray” game. Moving it carefully, they use their hands and minds to pass the tray with a glass of full of water to the next member while they were laying on the ground and trying to be careful not to spill the water. This was the most exciting game for the First Aid Medical Team for they enjoyed it a lot.

Intramurals First Aid Station (September 16-18, 2015)

Application of what they have learn from the lectures, return demonstrations, and other activities. The intramurals will be their self evaluation if they are effective as first aider.


The student medic assisting the asthmatic player with the nebulizer.


The school nurse together with the student medic, dressing the sprained ankle with the elastic bandage.


The DWCU First-Aiders assisting the collapsed player.


A student medic taking care of the player with scratches and wounds.


The school nurse together with the student medic, dressing the sprained ankle with the elastic bandage.

The Team Building Activity was so much fun. The students gain more ideas and techniques as well as unity and cooperation that they which they are able top use during the Intramurals.

As for the Intramurals First Aid Station, first aid intervention was successfully implemented by the School Nurse together with the Student Medical Team.


by: Mrs. Diana Marie G. Valdez
    DWCU School Nurse




On September 8, 1875 Father Janssen founded his missionary community by opening his first mission house in Steyl, Holland. Since its beginning, therefore, the Society of the Divine Word has considered September 8th as its birthday.

It was no coincidence that the foundation day of the Society was also the feast of the Nativity of Mary. Saint Arnold Janssen in his personal devotion recognized Mary as the chosen one: filled with the Holy Spirit, she gave birth to the Divine Word. “She is our model of faithful attentiveness and ready response to God’s word; she will help us to bring the Divine Word to others” (Const. 406).